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I'm "The Impossible             Triangle"another title
I"Uptown View"'m a title

The first time you look up at a skyscraper in a downtown setting somewhere in a city is definitely a change in perspective.  In other words you feel how small you really are.  Click on the picture to access the video link and the assignment.

In construction, perspective drawings help to clarify the building process.  But as you explore the art of "perspective" drawing you sometimes find that things are not always what they seem.  Click on the picture to access this dawing assignment.

Stairway drawing is a special challenge.  Your mind has been trained by now to visualize the concept of perception and viewing things from various angles.  Right angles and parallel lines dominate this assignment.  Make it a good when as our final journey into construction perspective.


Imagine looking down from the Empire State Building for the first time.  Wow, what a view!  What a perspective!  Follow carefully the tutorial.  Lines seem to be going everywhere.  The picture will access the video link and assignment

"Up We Go"I'm another title
   "Looking Down From
         the Top"other title

Drawing to Design #2


Drawing, sketching, and putting ideas on paper, is continued on this page.  The concept of perspective continues to be stressed as the foundation to understanding plan drawings.  Again, this is wherer we continue to practise these techniques to help to better understand the planning stages of building and construction.

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