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Drawing a "Plot Plan"I'm another title
Layers of Dimension LinesI'm a title


This is a lesson on drawing the missing dimension lines on a floor plan.  Click on the picture and access the assignment.

This assignment will be done with a class hand out and will help to prepare you for one of the final drawings we will do.  Click on the picture to access the assignment. 

When designing a home, many considerations are made.  Here is an introduction to some of those factors that determine the features that are thought about during this process.  Click on the picture for the info and the buttom for the assignment.

This article talks about the economic boom that is "green building".  The assignment asks for your knowledge and opinion.  Click on the picture to access the assignment

Design Features of a Home

The Brilliant Economics of Green BuildingI'm another title

Classroom Assignments #2:  2014

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